Oramah’s Developmental Commercial Banking Idea needs Elumelu’s Africapitalism.

Professor Benedict Oramah’s recent articulation of Development Commercial Banking is very compelling. According to him, Development Commercial Banking is “… a careful blend of investment banking and commercial banking aimed at delivering three outcomes, namely positive socioeconomic impact to society, as well as solid financial returns and goodwill to the bank”. Professor Oramah is the […]
Transcorp Power Lists on the Nigerian Exchange; Gains 10% First Day of Trading

Transcorp Power Plc, a power subsidiary of Transnational Corporation Plc (Transcorp Group), has listed its shares via introduction on the Main Board of the Nigerian Exchange (NGX), adding more than N1.8 trillion to the market capitalization of NGX and further boosting liquidity in the Nigerian capital market. The listing was celebrated on the 4th of […]
The Tony Elumelu Foundation: An Empowering Journey Towards Entrepreneurial Impact

Today is a proud day for me and the entire team at the Tony Elumelu Foundation (TEF) and Heirs Holdings (HH). Harvard Business School (HBS) launched its case study on the work of TEF, documenting our 14 years of impact, across all 54 countries in Africa. Titled “The Tony Elumelu Foundation: Democratizing Luck Across Africa”, […]
From Harvard to Full Circle: A Leadership Journey in Transformative Philanthropy

2004, Harvard Business School. I had just completed the Advanced Management Program (AMP 166) at Harvard. Continuous learning has always been my guiding principle, a commitment to self-improvement that every leader should embrace. During my tenure as CEO of Standard Trust Bank (STB), following the acquisition of Crystal Bank, my team and I engineered a […]
The Business of Philanthropy: A Conversation with Badr Jafar.

In 2021, I sat with Badr Jafar, Founding Patron of the Centre for Strategic Philanthropy to discuss ways to alleviate the socio-economic challenges in Africa, and the relationship between entrepreneurship and philanthropy. Click to watch. To listen to the audio version, click here. #TOEWay
Standard Trust Bank Reunion: Nurturing a Legacy of Excellence, Enterprise, and Execution.

I reunited some of my team from Standard Trust Bank (STB) days. Our first reunion!It was an amazing get-together: Some now work elsewhere; or have become entrepreneurs, something I love to see, and some, of course, work with Heirs Holdings or UBA Group. STB was born in 1997 and quickly redefined the face of banking […]
New Year Interactive Session With Group Staff.

On Sunday, I had an interactive session with Group Executives across Heirs Holdings and UBA Group to commend the team on the successes achieved in 2023 and set the agenda for 2024.Here are the 6 points I shared with leaders across our Groups to adopt for success: 1. Vision Alignment. Know your vision – keep […]
Montrer l’exemple : les principes de leadership de Tony Elumelu.

Les gens me demandent souvent TOE, comment puis-je apprendre le leadership. Doisje suivre un cours ? Acheter un livre ? Trouver un mentor ? Les leaders sont-ils nés ou pouvons-nous devenir un leader ? Tout comme je le dis à propos du succès d’une entreprise, le leadership comporte de nombreux éléments liés à la chance […]
Leading by Example:My Leadership Principles.

People often ask me, TOE how do I learn leadership. Should I go on a course? Buy a book? Get a mentor? Are leaders born, or can you become a leader? Just as I say about business success, leadership has many components – luck, being in the right place at the right time. But I […]
Construire pour Durer : aFvoriser l’excellence et Façonner les Futurs Leaders Africains chez UBA.

Certains moments résonnent comme des évènements profondément remarquables dans la vie, où les rêves naissent d’humbles débuts et se transforment en réalités extraordinaires. Alors que je me tenais devant 700 stagiaires diplômés de UBA, venus de toute l’Afrique, j’ai pensé au long voyage qui m’a amené là où je suis aujourd’hui. Un périple qui a […]